Customers and Evaluators - - Part One - Some of you may disklike certain features of King's Casino Solitaire, perhaps enough to reject using it. If so, please fill in a few lines here telling me what gripes you and e-mail this to the address below. - - - - - Part Two - Inevitably, having finished versions 1 and 1.1, I'm thinking about version 2. Below are some of the enhancements I have been considering. But how to decide? I'd really like to know *your* opinions on what would improve the program and what would detract from it or be wasted effort. If you don't mind, please check off any of the following options that appeal to you, fill in any blanks, make any other comments/suggestions/ critiques, etc. and e-mail (or even snail-mail) this to the addresses below. Thanks in advance to any of you who respond! --- Version 2 should --- _ Include new games, including a special menu for games with large layouts which can only display if SVGA resolutions are detected. _ Avoid gimmicks/clutter/complexity/fatness. or any of the following _ Provide large layout games which would only be startable if SVGA support is detected. _ Provide levels of difficulty and variations of play for each game. For example Chameleon traditionally has only three tableau piles not the four provided in KCS. Switching from 3 to 4 could be an option (which would change the odds of winning considerably). _ Provide multiple player/accounts support. If husband Jack uses KCS one day and wife Jill uses it the next, they could either keep two copies of the program in different directories, or I could add support for multiple users of the same copy. _ Provide a finish current game when a win is inevitable option. This option would allow you to press a key when you know that all cards can be played to foundations. When you do this the program would look at each unplayed card in turn and send it to the foundations. _ Provide keyboard support for moving cards from pile to pile. Arrow keys and/or tab keys and/or number keys would move a card selector on-screen to indicate which card to move to which pile. _ Provide a touring option. This means that the player plays one game of each of title and is scored for the results of the tour. _ When you win a game KCS shows a pretty picture. Other games do fancy fireworks with the cards, etc. What winner's reward would you prefer: _ One picture, as it is now (not that important to me) _ Support to cycle through multiple pictures, which the user can provide from other sources (e.g. downloaded .gifs and Windows background .bmps) _ A screen saver type moving lines/fireworks/etc. display _ Some sort of animated antics _ Other: KCS currently relocates every card to the deck when a game is started or when the deck is regrouped from the waste pile, etc. This approach is realistic and gives the player visual feedback as to how many cards remain to be played but it's slow. Most other games use a fake deck pile which does not grow or shrink as cards are removed. This is faster but provides no feedback. _ Leave deck and waste pile handling as it is or _ Use option for fake deck / waste piles for speed _ Provide optional .wav sound effects for shuffling, card moves, game wins, etc. _ Provide the capability for users to change the card back pictures to one's they've created themselves or other users create. _ Provide the ability to have a bitmap picture as the background for the main window rather than the current solid colour. _ Make some sort of fuss and award extra points for unusual events such as winning more than one game in a row, making really long runs, etc. _ Provide a non-gambling scoring alternative. Below here type in any other suggestions which may occur to you: - Go to hell (I'll save you the bother of typing in this one!) - - - _ Once finished accept my heart-felt thanks and mail or e-mail this to the addresses below. As mentioned in the Program Notes, anyone who suggests an entirely new idea which I subsequently incorporate into KCS will receive a free registration or, if registered, have his/her money refunded. Thanks again, Dale Cotton 1520 Alpine Lane Pickering ON L1X 2G3 Canada CompuServe 73632,703 Internet